I'm sooo delighted by all received entries! To be honest, I have never expected that I'll receive so many entries! I thought: "Yeah, 10 entries would be enough, I hope I'll get them...". And THIS exceeded my wildest expectations - there are 22 entries! And I'm glad I don't have to choose the winner myself ;)
So, let's see all these wonders :)
1. Sylvia - http://nailartcreations.blogspot.com
"As you can see this is a Donald Duck nailart. I choosed Donald Duck because this is one of the first cartoons from Walt Disney! Oh and I like Donald Duck with his funny voice! :D It always makes me happy and weekly I read the Donald Duck since I was a little kid, that's the reason why I choosed Donald Duck! I made everything freehand, I made half the face of Donald Duck on my ringfingers and a french manicure with Donalds Hat on my other nails. Of course I added some flakies on the nails with the hats because Disney is all about glitters!"
2. Ewalucja - http://ewalucja.blogspot.com
"At first I will quote Pooh „It came out slightly different than I thought, but it has always came”. I chose the Winnie-the-Pooh for a few reasons. Firstly, I adore this story and my heart hurts when I see this unsuccessful modern fake version. And for celebrating this great movie I created that manicure. Secondly, I got book Winnie-the-Pooh from my beloved grandma during my long staying in hospital which was a bit less terrible thanks to that. I had 4 years then and these are my first memories from the childhood. I still remember all pictures from that book. I also have huge plush pooh, pyjamas with him, a few notebooks and other ;) And probably most important… thanks to yellow bear my boyfriend ”out-talked” to me and so we approached ourselves. Pooh is our private mascot and a symbol of our love. The first conversation which we took consisted from quotations from the mentioned above book ;) And to today (over 2 years) we often quote yellow little bear ;) Ohh and I love honey as much as Pooh <3"
3. LingLing - http://wuliaonails.blogspot.com
"I was so excited to see this contest go up >.< I love freehand and really am too cheap to buy all the stamps and stickers when i can try to learn to freehand it out =] My theme for this one is alice in wonderland, with the holo purple background i just picked the 3 characters that stood out to me which were alice, the bunny, and the kitty....i dont remember how to spell their names... >.< a little cake and a little potion bottle on the other two nails and its done =] the inspiration for this idea is a little jewelry box that i got for christmas from my friend, it has more of a doll like version of alice in wonderland =]"
4. Moondancerjen - http://moondancerjen.blogspot.com
"I was inspired to do a Minnie and Mickey Mouse Design because my best friend has a 6 month old baby boy and he just LOVES Mickey Mouse Club House. It is constantly on at her house, and the way that those Mickey and Minnie Mouse colors just captivate his attention, is just the cutest thing! Plus, I remember being a little girl and going to Disney World and how happy it made me meeting all the different characters, especially Minnie and Mickey! The images on my nails were done using nail art brushes and different sized dotting tools."
5. Leslie - http://polishartaddiction.blogspot.com
"Recently I started doing a series on my blog of old school cartoon inspired nail art. Then I discovered your contest for Disney themed and I was so excited!!!! I immediately got to work thinking on some Disney stuff. I came up with Winnie the Pooh simply because it's so classic. I remember watching the "New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" on TV all the time. (Funny... I had to double check on the internet and make sure Winnie the Pooh was by Disney! I couldn't remember off hand! Lol) This mani is completely freehand. No stamps, stickers, or decals used. I mainly use nail polishes, but occasionally throw in some acrylic paint for the black outlines (I find it easier and more precise that way). I love the way it turned out and I hope everyone else loves it too!"
6. Devin - http://atyourfingertipss.blogspot.com
"My nails were inspired by Finding Nemo :) It is a Disney Pixar Movie so I hope that is okay! They were all free-handed by me, and the characters go from left to right: Some coral, Squirt, Nemo, Dory, Pearl, Bubbles, Peach, and Bruce (the shark) haha. Hope you like it!! I loved this movie so much and I think it was because of the awesome characters! I still watch it all the time even though im an adult :D"
7. Sabbatha - http://spookynails.com
"My inspiration was one of my favourite Disney/Pixar movies - Finding Nemo. I love Disney movies with animals :-) Dori is my favourite fish :D And seagull's are extremely funny! :-)"
8. Ari
"I thought this contest was super fun and it got me to do more freehand designs. But the inspiration for my design is Winnie the Pooh. As I got older, I stopped watching disney related shows, but one character that I love no matter what age is Pooh. I have a huge stuff animal of him in my mom :) But I loved the scenes where he is trying to get honey and the bees attack him so my concept is Pooh hiding from the bees as they search for the one who disturbed their home :)"
9. Jane - http://nailside.blogspot.com
"My Disney mani was inspired by Aladdin, my absolute favorite Disney-movie. When I was a little kid, I already loved the movie and had a crush on Aladdin, lol! And now that I'm older I still enjoy Aladdin, maybe even more because now I finally understand all the words and jokes :) Everything about the movie is just wonderful; the visuals, the script, the AMAZING songs and of course all the characters. On my nails I have 5 favorite characters depicted, all are freehanded, except for the magic carpet which also contains konad and taping technique. As a finishing touch I added some rhinestones on the carpet and on Jasmine's headband."
10. PamPam - http://elt-nailscouture.blogspot.com
"The Lion King has always leave a deep impression on me since I first watched it when I was 11 years-old. And with the recent Lion King Broadway musical first time in Singapore; memories flash back... It is my elder brother and my fav disney move and until now.. we can still sing Hakuna Matata together.. :)"
11. imobsessedwithnails - http://imobsessedwithnails.blogspot.com
"I wanted to do the old logo at the begining of Disney movies. When ever I see it it makes my heart swell. Also, I just got back from Disneyland and this is sort of the castle just before night time."
12. Amber - http://mynailgraffiti.blogspot.com
"My nail art is inspired by the Disney movie 101 Dalmatians. The bone, numbers, as well as the collars are free hand. The spots and pawprints are stamped. I love love love anything Disney...it makes me happy. :)"
13. Damaris - http://whalesnails.blogspot.com
"Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs is my favourite Disney story, I've got a book with original Disney illustrations and I watched it several times. I think it's one of the most beautiful animation produced by Disney when it comes to visual aspects - classic, simple and beautiful. Also, quite a lot of people used to tell me that I look like Snow White when I was younger, so it was my first choice, really."
14. Minnie - http://miniblog.create-magical-nails.com
"I picked one of my favourite Disney movies - Cinderella :D The dream that you wish will come true! I wanted to express a romantic fantasy theme on my nails. My nails are extended with acrylics, polished, airbrushed, hand painted and decorated with hand made acrylic 3Ds (roses, glass slippers). There is a gem stone Mickey Mouse on my pinky too:D It is a shame my thumb couldn't fit in the photo."
15. -Diana- - http://dutch-diana.blogspot.com
"The paws and flowers are free hand and the rest are self made water decals.
When I was little my sister, my mom and I went to the Cinema often to watch Disney movies. Beauty and the Beast I saw at the Cinema but after that never again (most Disney movies I saw quite some times), so I really want to see it again. Although I'm not little anymore my love for Disney did not go away ;) For this creation I made my own water decals of Beauty and the Beast, on my pinkie Lumière, ring finger Belle, middle finger Mrs. Potts and Chip, index finger Cogsworth and on my thumb the Beast. I never do any free hand nail art and don't have any good tools for it, but I did my best to make some free hand details. I made the paws and flowers with a dotting tool and a toothpick. I know I'm not a free hand artist like most of you, at first I didn't want to enter because of that but who can resist a Disney theme...I don't ;)"
16. Delicious Life - http://deliciousstrawberryfields.blogspot.com
"My nail art is inspired on the classic Disney characters, the 'originals'... I focused on them because I used to watch a lot of cartoons with them when I was a child. I think there's nothing more representative of Disney than Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, Donald and Goofy. They are the ones you think about first when you hear or read the word Disney. My nail art is completely freehand."
I hope you enjoy too :)... Winny the Pooh seems to me very funny that I chose these drawings. This model is made by hand with acrylic."

17. Prescillia - http://priscnail.over-blog.com
"i mix some caractor which my daughter love! i hope you like it! I am french sorry for my english lol! My name is prescilla i live in france and i make nail art since 6 month ago."18. andayn - http://andayn.blogspot.com
"Disney is still my favorite cartoon in the field. I liked to make this model and reminded me of childhoodI hope you enjoy too :)... Winny the Pooh seems to me very funny that I chose these drawings. This model is made by hand with acrylic."
19. Kleopatre - http://kosme-tiki.blogspot.com
"My manicure is inspired by Cruella de Vill. When I was a child I really liked her two-colored hair, and generally her "style" :D. Probably as part of the children, I preferred the villains (I admit also that the MAC autumn collection reminded me of that!). When I painted this manicure I was so excited that I created another manicure with another black character. My manicure is entirely painted by hand, I used the black, white and red nail polish and acrylic paints. I must use very small brush :P"
20. Koryna - http://korynails.blogspot.com
"I picked the Beaty and the beast because it was one of my favourite cartoon when I was a child. I am sad because I had to work with my short nails... "
21. Steph
"I love nail art! It, along with fashion is how I express my sense of individuality.... I love to paint and draw and doing a design on my nails is so much fun and I can show off my art work everywhere! I was really excited about this Disney theme contest, as The Little Mermaid was my favorite childhood movie, I still love it! Mermaids are beautiful! I love the mysterious stories about these mystical creatures!"
22. Rins - http://rina-alcantara.com
"The story of the Little Mermaid has always been my favorite Disney story. Aside from the message of boundless love, this story inspires me to be constantly curious about life just how Ariel is to the world. I think that's very important for personal growth."
OK guys, I know that it's extremely hard choice, but you can pick just one entry what you think should win. To be honest - I would not be able to choose one winner ;) All entries are beautiful and I have a few favourites, but it's still A FEW. So, let's vote!
- Pick just one entry.
- You have to be my GFC follower if you want to vote.
- In form, I ask you about your e-mail - it will be used only for vote's confirmation.
- You can ask your friends for votes, but please, don't spam with this contest.
- You can vote only once per one GFC nickname or per one e-mail address.
11:59 PM, GTM +1:00 (Polish time)
Are you kidding me?!? Great entries! How am I supposed to pick only 1 ??? I like them all
ReplyDeleteIt's hard, right? ^^
ReplyDelete5, 11, 14, 18 - niesamowite <3
ReplyDeleteOh wow they are all soooo pretty (except my own *lol*) I especially love: 5,14,18,22
ReplyDeleteSo many beautiful designs I can't pick, so I am letting my daughter pick the one to vote for me!! :D
ReplyDeleteWas actually quite easy to find my favourite :o But there's several great entries - can tell that people have been putting time and effort to their nail art! Really good job everyone!
ReplyDeletegood luck girll..great entries..
ReplyDeletewoaww To be honest, I did not expect so many good entries. Good luck to all
ReplyDelete5,9,13,15,18 sa boskie :D
ReplyDeletevery interesting...so funny...good luck!
ReplyDeleteall manicures are gorgeous
ReplyDeleteit was very hard to decide. good luck everybody!
wow!love them all! goodluck girls!
ReplyDeletelove no. 22 rins, 9, 14 and no. 20 =)
Wow, these are some of the best contest entries I've seen. Good work, all!
ReplyDeleteWhoaaaaaaaaah. You ladies are crazy talented! There is so much detail and creativity here. Great job girls!!!
ReplyDelete19. kleopatre! AMAZING!
ReplyDeletethey are all so much better >.<
5, 14, 19 - sooo nice!
ReplyDelete19 - beautiful !!
ReplyDeletewow, niektóre są naprawdę niesamowite, nie potrafiłabym wybrać 1 pracy :)
ReplyDeletejust voted for Rins!!!
ReplyDeletesuper pracę trudny wybór dziewczyny mają talent!
ReplyDeleteszkoda ze nie mozna bylo glosowac na kilka ;) ciezki wybor!
ReplyDeleteNo niestety sęk w tym, że w tych formularzach Google można głosować albo na 1, albo na dowolną ilość, a ludzie nie trzymaliby się pewnie limitu i połowa głosów byłaby nieważna... Gdyby nie to, dałabym głosowanie na 3 osoby.
ReplyDeleteAre you planning on just announcing the winner? Or do you plan on showing how many votes each person got? I think that would be awesome to show it like a bar graph or something. I'm not expecting to win, there are too many fabulous designs.... But I would love to find out where I fell in the ranks once voting is over! Please consider that if you've haven't already. I can't wait to find out!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThere will be a chart with all votes too.
ReplyDelete19 <3
ReplyDeleteWORK OF ART KLEOPATRE (19) :)
ReplyDeleteIm having a nail art contest now through the end of may anyone interested should enter! 1st and 2nd place prizes!!
copy and paste the link in your browser for my page and contest info :)
ReplyDeleteLeslie, or diana, I think
ReplyDeleteCute! I like all!
ReplyDeletei like the cinderella
ReplyDeleteWow...... I know he ones I like but most of them suck. If you're going to enter a contest you should at least be better than a 5 year old. How can some people think they are good at this?
ReplyDeleteWOW<3 everyone here is amazing :3 i especially like 2,5,9,13,14,15,19,22. My favorites, if i must limit them to one, i would pick the cinderella nails<3 totally awesome.
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