
20 February 2011

Joko Vinyl Mania - 65 Purple Rain

 Well, I have NO idea, why it's called Purple Rain. This colour is raspberry - red with some pink or purple admixture, but definitely it's NOT purple... And to be honest - I don't like it. It's one coater, but as you can see, there's some bubbles, and my natural grooves on nails are still visible. Don't look at my pinkie - I had a little accident... 
And I had a crisis yesterday. I dropped my beauty school, and I didn't write any post!
Isn't it just terrible?! ;)
Cóż, nie mam zielonego pojęcia, dlaczego ten lakier nazywa się Purple Rain. Kolor to malinka - czerwień z odrobiną różu czy fioletu, ale zdecydowanie NIE fiolet... I szczerze mówiąc - nie podoba mi się. To jednowarstwowiec, ale jak widzicie, tworzy pęcherzyki powietrza, a moje naturalne bruzdy w paznokciach nadal są mocno widoczne. Nie patrzcie na mały pazurek - miałam drobny wypadek...
A wczoraj miałam kryzys... Rzuciłam szkołę kosmetyczną i nie napisałam notki!
Czyż to nie strasznie?! ;)

This product was sent to me for review.


  1. What a interestingly cool colour!


  2. Hi, my name is Odile, i´m from Brazil
    so I am polish addict! : )
    if you want exchanges polishs nails from here, just contact me
    you can also visit my blog
    kisses and hugs

  3. Hello!
    I'm a Polish-American who will be visiting Poland in a couple of months and am interested in picking up some Polish polishes. Any suggestions where I can pick up some Joko polishes? Their website is lacking in options. I appreciate any help! My email is
    Thanks muchness!

  4. Luci, to be honest - I have seen them only in some small "next door drugstores", not in any chain stores..

  5. Dyle, I would love, but now my wallet is completely empty ;) Maybe I will drop you a line, when I'm ready to swap :) Thanks!

  6. Jakoś mi nie podchodzi ten lakier .

  7. Na szczęście mojej mamie się podoba ^^

  8. Thanks for the info, it will help with the search.
    Much appreciated!


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