
21 August 2010

Siren's call

Ivana wrote in a previous post's comments that the color is associated with the deep water. As you can see, I think so too, because I created the depth of the ocean on it. As the base I used here, of course, NYX - Jungle, a single Konad pattern is from the GCOCL No. B01 plate. On top I used Golden Rose Scale Effect No. 13. I have to admit that I really like the manicure. Base color and flakies blend together well, in my opinion, a mermaid only emphasizes the effect of the ocean depths. What do you think? :)
Ivana pisała przy poprzedniej notce, że kolor kojarzy jej się z głęboką wodą. Jak widać, mi też, bo stworzyłam z niego głębię oceanu. Jako baza oczywiście jest tu NYX - Jungle, na nim pojedynczy wzorek Konadu z płytki GCOCL nr B01. Na wierzch dałam Golden Rose Scale Effect nr 13. Muszę przyznać, że bardzo mi się podoba ten manicure. Kolor bazowy i flakies świetnie razem współgrają, moim zdaniem, a syrenka tylko podkreśla efekt głębi oceanu. A Wy co myślicie? :)


  1. Oooooh I adore this manicure =) I wish we had Golden Rose Scale Effects polishes here in Turkey, plus Golden Rose is a Turkish brand! Aaaargh!
    This reminds me of a manicure I did once:

  2. Trincess, I had to buy it online, it's almost impossible to get it in the shop ;) Look for SE in Turkish online shops ;)
    Your mani is wonderful! What did you use?

  3. it's a china glaze shower together like medium turquoise, topped with inglot #203 flakies =) which online shop did you use? =)

  4. I've never seen any Inglot flakies :D This one is amazing!
    I bought my GR on Polish online shop DobraRada, but they don't send their products abroad...

  5. oh... if I ever want to get my hands on some, maybe you can help me =)

  6. very pretty! I think the mermaid is really appropriate for this sea-like color!

  7. That mani is very pretty! I love the konad design! :D

  8. zostałaś wyróżniona ;) na:

  9. I'm glad you like it, thanks :)

  10. Bardzo fajnie. W Warszawie sa sklepy Golden Rose i mozna tam utonąć w lakierach:)

  11. Zostałas tagowana - zapraszam do zabawy;)


  12. Wow, looove it! You really made it even more beautiful!

    I just remembered on cartoon Ariel - the little mermaid, I need to watch this cartoon! :D I really love sea, water... <3

  13. What an awesome combo! I have both of these polishes so i'll have to remember they look so gorgeous paired together!


Thanks for all your comments - you make my day! :)
Please, if you like this post or don't, if you have some advice or different opinion, just let me know in a comment :)