
22 March 2011

Around the World #1 - Egypt (Nail Art)

Some time ago, thanks to GreatDee, I hit on an idea - I will create nail art series with a theme "Around the World"! I love to travel, but I cannot afford it, so I travel in my mind ;) I read travel books, I collect postcards from all over the World, I even study Tourism :) So I decided to invite you for a little nail art trip around interesting countries and regions. From time to time I will take you to another place :)
Our first stop is...
Jakiś czas temu, dzięki GreatDee, wpadłam na pomysł, aby stworzyć serię wzorków o tematyce "Dookoła świata". Kocham podróże, ale nie stać mnie na nie, więc podróżuję mentalnie ;) Czytam książki podróżnicze, zbieram widokówki z całego świata, nawet studiuję Turystykę ;) Postanowiłam więc zaprosić Was na manicure'ową podróż po interesujących zakątkach świata! Od czasu do czasu będę Was zabierać w kolejne miejsca, a na razie, naszym pierwszym przystankiem jest...
 Egypt is a country covered with an ancient mystery and these pyramids look so majestic... Let's walk around, solve the riddle of the Sphinx, rest in the palm's shadow and ride on a camel's back.
I have used Wibo Extreme Nails - 304 as a base, Miss Sporty Clubbing Colors - 303 and 301 for sun, Essence TE Metallics - 02 Copper rulez! for pyramids, Safari Trendy Colours - 281 for sand and My Secret - 121 for camel and palm.
Our next stop is far far to the North :) How do you like this idea? Is that nail art series interesting for you? And what country or region would you like to see on my nails?
Egipt to miejsce owiane starożytną tajemnicą, a piramidy wyglądają tak majestatycznie... Przejdźmy się, rozwiążmy zagadkę Sfinksa, odpocznijmy w cieniu palm i przejedźmy się na wielbłądzie.
Użyłam Wibo Extreme Nails - 304 jako bazy, Miss Sporty Clubbing Colors - 303 i 301 do słońca, Essence TE Metallics - 02 Copper rulez! do piramid, Safari Trendy Colours - 281 do piasku i My Secret - 121 do wielbłąda i palmy.
Nasz kolejny przystanek jest daleeeko na północ :) Co myślicie o tym pomyśle? Czy ta seria jest dla Was interesująca? I jakie państwa albo regiony chciałybyście tu zobaczyć?


  1. This is a really great idea! I love this mani and I can't wait to see more :)

  2. this is totally amazing!!! the sponging on the index finger is really really good!! what a fantastic idea - I'd love to see the north pole or the UK on your nails :D

    Love, Emily @emilysnailfiles xxxxxxx

  3. Beautiful! The around the world theme is such a good idea! Good luck with your next stop in another country! :)

  4. i absolutely love this!..its to awesome to even type ill just stare at it with amazement from now on!


  5. you are so talented! seriously a work of art

  6. :) Cieszę się, że pomysł się spodobał ;)
    Nie mogę się napatrzeć jakie cuda wyczarowujesz na paznokciach!! A ja nawet dobrze nie umiem pomalować na gładko :P

  7. i LOVE this! & i would love to go to egypt too -I was going to do the exact same series but call it "across the universe"- and have it be a contest instead lol. But if I ever open the contest- I will let you know and you should def. enter this bc it's so pretty! <33 I was going to do paris, vegas, nyc, japan, too- so I'm excited to see if you do any designs for those locations =)

  8. Thank you, girls!
    LemonyEmily -> North Pole is our second stop ;)
    GreatDee -> Dzięki raz jeszcze za pomysł ;)
    Prettyfulz -> I'm planning to make some nail art with Paris and Japan for sure :)

  9. Oh wow that is so freaking amazing! Your nail art is incredible! If I tried to do that I think it'll just look like such a mess.

  10. o kurcze ale piękne ;D coś niesamowitego :) czekam na więcej :)

  11. This is a really cool idea! You could do New Zealand, and paint mountains, sheep and a silver fern (

  12. Original idea and great job!
    The essence of Egypt on your nails...

  13. Kapitalny pomysł, czekam na dalsze przystanki :D

  14. Właśnie zbieram szczękę z podłogi. NIESAMOWITE pazurki, zazdroszczę pomysłowości i talentu

  15. Boskie !!! Aż mi gały na wierzch wyszły:) Normalnie zazdroszczę talentu <3 <3

  16. You rock! This looks so good. I want to go to Egipt some day, I love this country.

  17. Niee no przegięłaś! ;O cudowne te malunki :) normalnie dzieła sztuki :D wielbłąd rządzi :D

  18. Thank you all, girls!
    Wow, I didn't expect that you'll like it so much!

  19. Such a great idea, and this first one is amazing!

  20. OMG wow you did an amazing job!! I love this idea. I'd like to see a Russian mani :)

  21. This is a great idea for a series, and I'm loving it so far! I can't wait to see your other around the world manis!

  22. These art like mini works of art. Such a great idea.

    Have just joined your blog and really enjoy reading your posts. If you have the time then I would really like you to take a look at my nail blog:


Thanks for all your comments - you make my day! :)
Please, if you like this post or don't, if you have some advice or different opinion, just let me know in a comment :)