
12 October 2010

How do you store your nails stuff?

Today I was wondering how do you store your polishes, plates, removers and all the nails stuff?
 Do you use some boxes? Baskets? Cartons? Or just keep them on a shelf?
Some time ago I've bought two plastic boxes what you can see in the picture.
I think it was a good idea - now I have all my polishes in one place, in an order ;)
Maybe you can give us some tips how to store our "babies"? :)
Zastanawiałam się dziś, jak przechowujecie swoje lakiery, płytki, stemple, zmywacze, itd?
Używacie jakichś pudełek? Koszyków? Kartoników? Czy trzymacie je po prostu na półce?
Jakiś czas temu kupiłam dwa plastikowe pojemniki, które widzicie na zdjęciach.
Myślę, że to był dobry pomysł - teraz mam wszystko w jednym miejscu i w ładzie. ;)
Może macie jakieś rady, jak przechowywać swoje "maleństwa"? :)


  1. Koszyczek zielony
    koszyczek niebieski
    pudelko czerwone/rozowe stonowane
    pudelko fioletowe
    pudelko layering/nude
    pudlo szare/zlote/zolte/pomaranczowe/czarne/wszystko pozostale

    i tak pach pach jedno na drugie wkomponowane w szafke :D

  2. thrown into one plastic container.. it's practically abuse :*( i want either a rack or some kind of drawer system to organize them but for now i have about 120 polishes in one small plastic tub :/

  3. I have a shot glass shelf for my polishes that i store them on, the rest of my stuff is stored in a tool box. I have all of my plates in a small photo album along with my decals and various other sheets of nail stuff.

  4. I actually got rid of a bunch of old clothes so I could store my nail polish in a dresser drawer. I may have to do some more wardrobe downsizing, though, because I'm running out of room...

  5. I have two nail polish racks, that are mounted to the wall. If you store nail polish on the side or upside down, the polish will leak into the cap and seal the bottle... never to be opened again. Since I don't want that happening to my nail polish, they all get stored upright.

  6. I took a spice rack added some cardboard pieces decorated it a bit and I was able to hold about 66 nail polishes. I have it sitting on a bookshelf and for the rest of my supplies I just got an OPI train case. It has 32 compartments for polishes on the top and has a bottom drawer that split up into 3 sections. I have pictures of I store my stuff on my blog check it out

  7. Mi tata zbił półeczkę na lakiery z cienkich listewek i ziu na ścianę ;p Wcześniej miałam w kartonach, ale było to mało poręczne ;)

  8. I have to think about some special rack for them. And I love an idea with photo album for plates!

  9. mam plastikowe koszyczki ktore mozna ustawic jeden na drugim, a je chowam w szafce :)

  10. A ja mam helmery. I w szufladkach poukładane firmami.

  11. I store mine in a stacker thing, but I'm looking for a box to put it all in atm. Its so hard to find the right one tho. x

  12. Moja kolekcja jak na razie jest mała - ok 30 lakierów, więc trzymam je w jednym koszyczku, ale ostatnimi czasy szybko się powiększa więc będzie trzeba pomyśleć o czymś większym :)

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