
02 September 2010

Happy 101 Blog Award - I'm tagged!

I was tagged to this award by Sabbatha, Kasiuchetka, Kamila, Lili, Nosek, MizzVintage, Nola, TheOleskaaa and... I hope I didn't miss anybody ;)
Thank you very much, girls! I'm glad you appreciate my blog :)
Every award has a rules, of course.

The rules for this one:
1. Post who gave you this award
2. State 10 things you like
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment 

So... 10 things I love and can't live without:
  1. Tea! Many different flavours - I have about 40 kinds of tea ;)
  2. My exotic pets - now I have only 2 birdspiders (cat and dog also, but they aren't exotic ^^)
  3. Nail polishes of course...
  4. A lot of movies!
  5. My boyfriend - he's the best person I've ever met. 
  6. Warm, soft bed *.*
  7. Internet - yes, I'm addicted...
  8. Mexican, Chinese and Italian food.
  9. Cosmetics! Well, I'm a girl ;)
  10. Travels...
And this is time to tagged next 10 blogs! (it was so difficult to choose only 10...)
  1. SpookyNails - Cause Sabbatha is really positively crazy person ;) And her blog is like her!
  2. Parokeets - Girls make the good job - many many many photos and reviews.
  3. Oooh, Shinies! - Amazing pictures, wonderful nails and great ideas!
  4. Vexgirl - I love this girl ;) And her blog is really interesting :)
  5. The Daily Nails - Well... for her daily nails ;)
  6. XOXO Parisky - For multi-thematic blog and beautiful photos.
  7. AzjatyckiCukier - Only in Polish, but this blog is sooo engaging!
  8. PolishSis - Girls know what they are writing about :)
  9. Tinna's Nails - I love her nail arts!
  10. Konad & Me - For her invention and ideas :)


  1. no wreszcie doczekałam się odpowiedzi, thx:D

  2. Thanks for the award! I'll post an entry soon!

  3. Thank you so much for tagging me, I'm honoured!
    I did a tag that's quite similar a few months ago, I also had to name 10 things I liked, so I won't post this one. If you want to know the 10 things I like you can check this link:

    Oh and your blog looks great, I'm sorry I didn't found you before, but now I'm happy to say that I'm your new follower!

  4. I'm so sorry, I totally forgot to reply here *ashamed!
    Thank you so much for the award and the nice compliments, that was really sweet of you! :)


Thanks for all your comments - you make my day! :)
Please, if you like this post or don't, if you have some advice or different opinion, just let me know in a comment :)